Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Venise Wilson
Dr. E. McCormick.
May 14, 2011
                                        Daily Value of Ensure
     Ensure provides a series of nutrition products that are used in many hospitals, nursing homes and even prescribed by some doctors to use at home. These products that are supposed to be healthy for you cause more damage than you know.  Diabetes, heart attack, and obesity are diseases Americans struggle to keep in control. People need to know the truth about what they are putting in their body. Ensure supplement should be number one on the list, because people need to know how bad it is for their health.
     The total amount of sugar that is in a single serving of ensure shake is twenty-three grams. There is no daily value of sugar intake because sugar consumption should be as little as possible. Kimberly A. Tessmer says in her article Nutrition & Dieting /Max RDA of Sugars “There is no current RDA for sugar.” People are told to consume as small amount of sugar as possible. They are told to get sugar mostly from fruits and vegetables. Foods that have high sugar content can cause diabetes. Type two diabetes is a disease many Americans are suffering from. According to Generation Extra Large “In San Antonio, diabetes is now the fourth-leading cause of death, up from the eight leading cause in 1992.”(30) Ensure has so many sugars in it and the labels says that it is the number one doctor recommended. The ensure company is trying to sell their product by having consumers thinking it is good for them because the label states doctor recommended and people are taught to trust doctors. Some people might think this drinks is good for them because it is high in protein. Yes it is high in protein, but it is also high in other things that are not good for them. If people want to eat high protein meal, grill a piece of chicken breast or fish fillet. The author of Elementary food science states that “Generally, animals proteins are complete proteins…” (17) People will get enough protein and other nutrients, without consuming other unnecessary additives that are in ensure. Also they may use ensure shake in the hospital for patient who undergoes surgery and cannot consume solid meals. If a person is in that situation, why not puree the freshly cooked meat and serve it to the patient? Not all people can cope with the amount of sugar that is in ensure even if they are getting a high source of proteins from it. For example, my friend Amina is diabetic. One day after visiting the doctor she was told that she needed more protein in her diet. Her friend recommended ensure nutrition drinks, but when Amina read the label at the supermarket she knew right away that ensure would be bad for her health. The amount of sugar content in Ensure products are bad for diabetes patients and even a healthy person who is drinking it to get the protein value.  Ensure causes more problems than solutions because it is high in sugar which is not good for your health.
     Ensure energy bar has four and a half grams of saturated fat. Saturated fat is known to cause heart attacks and strokes. These bars are used for patients who are weak and need energy. It is difficult to imagine a heart patient recovering from heart surgery and is put on ensure diet to boost their energy level. This patient would never get out of the hospital. Saturated fat should be avoided or consumed in small amount as possible. Susan G. Dudek states “With heart disease and stroke, the type of fat may be more important than the amount of fat.” (66)  If a patient has two bars of ensure a day and a regular meal for dinner plus snack in-between meals, they will go over the daily value of saturated fat. The two nutrition bars alone have a total of forty-six percent of the daily value. This is much higher than the protein, vitamin D, K, and B12 that is in it. The patient should have multivitamin pills instead. The pills do not have saturated fat and the patients will get so much more from them than eating an ensure bar. Ensure will not cure or prevent any diseases yet these nutrition products are recommended by doctors. Stuart Elliot states “The genesis of the exhibit was an ad from around 1930 for lucky strike cigarettes, which shows a doctor above a headline proclaiming that “20,679 physicians say ‘Luckies are less irritating.’”” (NYT) Bad products such as ensure are advertised by doctors because they are receiving donations from the company.
      There are thirty-four grams of carbohydrates in a serving of ensure supplement. If a sick person who is bed ridden is put on ensure supplement. That would be too much for the patient because they would not benefit from all those carbohydrates. The main function of carbohydrate is to give the body energy. Most athletes eat food with high carbohydrate so they could get enough energy to perform their athletic skills. Bed ridden patients don’t need all that energy because they are not moving around and all those carbohydrates they are consuming, just going to be stored as fat in their body. As Louis J.Ronsivalli and Ernest R.Viera state “Humans derive their energy mainly from carbohydrates…” (19) If that energy from the carbohydrate is not used up, the carbs will easily turn to fat and there is a great chance that a person may become obese. This country has a high percentage of people suffering from obesity. They don’t need additional products which will make the problem worse.
     Ensure products are widely use in America and they have a lot of unnecessary additives which are unhealthy for you. If something is bad for human’s health, it is supposed to be banned, not have a label stated that it is number one doctor recommended. Ensure products are bad for people because they contain high level of sugar, saturated fat and carbohydrates. This is what most doctors want people to eat less to maintain a healthy life style.

Works cited
Dudek G. Susan. Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, 2006. Print.
 Elliott, Stuart. When Doctors, and Even Santa, Endorsed Tobacco. NYTimes.com. The New York Times. Oct 7, 2008. Web. May 24, 2011.
Ronsivalli J. Louis. Elementary Food Science. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992. Print.
Taratamella, Lisa, Elaine, herscher, and Chris, Woolston. Generation Extra Large: Rescuing Our Children from the Epidemic of Obesity. NEW york: Basic Book, 2004. Print.
Tessmer A, Kimberly. Nutrition & Dieting / Max RDA of Sugar. Allexperts.com. Jan 25, 2005. Web. May 5, 2011.

Friday, May 6, 2011

annotated bibliography assignment

Annotated Bibliography
Venise Wilson
I am researching about how ensure nutrition drinks can be bad for sick people.
Berdanierd d. Carolyn, ed. Handbook of Nutrition and Food. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2002. Print.
This will help me to understand the risk factors for malnutrition in hospitalized patient.
Physiology and Behavior. Effect Diet Supplement on Energy Intake in Male SD Rat, 2006. Web.03 May. 2011.
I get information on how a study on rat drinking ensure which causes them to gain weight and loss muscle mass.
 Ronsivalli J. Loius., and Vieira R. Ernest. Elementary Food Science. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992. Print.
This has information on sweeteners. I will prove how nonnutritive sweeteners are.
Russell, Percy., and Tver F. David. The Nutrition and Health Encyclopedia. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1989.Print.
This will help me prove my point about different ways to obtain protein.
United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services. FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration. How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label. Food, 11 Mar. 2011. Web. 6 May. 2011. <htt://www.fda.gov/food/labelingnutrition/consumerinformatison/ucm07889.htm>
I will get information on consumption of calories and nutrients that is needed per day.
United States. National library of Medicine. Ensure Nutrition and Energy Bar. Dietary Supplements Labels database, Brands, ingredients, and References. Web. 03 May. 2011. http://dietarysupplements.nlm.nih.gov/dietary/detail.jsp?contain=01001006&name=Ensure+
I will get the label and nutrients that is in ensure.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

10 topic

1. school lunch

2.top water vs bottle water
3.how does American eat
4.how chicken raises
5.farming of fish
6.calories guide line
7.colors in cereal
8.food that feed  to sick people
9.Tyson chicken
10. MSG
11.can food
12.how to make hospital food healthier
13.ensure "final"

banning food stamps

Food stamp is for the poor, not for malnourished person or unhealthy person. I think that the people who are buying the food should be the one to decide whether they want soda in their diet or not. The amount of food stamp that is issue to a family of three can not buy that much healthy food that will last for the next food stamp period. So they have to force to buy what is on sale in the super market, which is normally soda,which causes ninety nine cents on sale...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

fast food nation and super sizeme

After watch documentary film "Super Size Me" and read chapter two in "Fast Food Nation" I realize how much advertisement and the location of business can affect people eating habit.The million dollars ads, senior citizens discount, a play area and free children toys can definetly draw the attention to McDonald. McDonald is located in almost  every five to ten blocks in Manhattan.This make it convience for people to purchse their food than any other fast food restaurants.Even though Morgan Spurlock was on a McDonald diet for a month and get sick, he could easily get sick eating any other fast food.My point is that all fast food restaurant is not healthy for us, but McDonald make it harder for people to avoid going there by being every where. I believe that the present of McDonald, contribute to the public unhealthy eating habits. One of McDonald meal consist of more sodium than the daily amount that is required. Sodium is known as the number one contribution to heart attack. Also their meal have more sugar than the daily value. No wonder the United States have so many people with type two diabetes. Our children like McDonald because it offer toys in their happy meals and a place to play in their restaurants. McDonald infulence children by the bright colors of their restaurant, their clowns,toys and as their theme song " I'm loving it" They also attract senior citizens by offering a discount on special days. We the people should protest for healthier menus from the fast food restaurants.For starters instead of grind up parts of chicken that makes chicken nuggets they should offer chicken finger that make with a solid chicken breast.The cashier should ask would you like no salt on your fries instead of asking what size would you like.They should also offer more fruit choices for sides and use more nutritious vegetables in thier salads and burgers. They should use less salt in their food and use ligth mayonise instead of regular.McDonald cashier shoud ask the customer if they want cheese or not.They should stop spend so much money and advertisement, instead put a organic salad on the menu, offer organic milk for the happy meals instead of regular milk and offer natual juice instead of artificial.This is not going to stop the obesity epidemic instantly, but it might help people make a healthier choice of eating in a fast food restaurant. Which could prevent heart attack,diabetes and obesity.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

peer review

riter’s Name venise wilson

Paper Title none

Date 4/06/2011

Editor’s Name venise wilson

Peer Review Worksheet

  1. Introduction: How does the first paragraph introduce both the paper’s topic and the writer’s approach or general conclusion? Is the first sentence attention-getting and relevant to the topic?
 there is no topic

  1. What can you identify as a thesis statement? (Re-write it below) Suggest, if possible, a way to improve the introduction or thesis statement.
I believe the old way of preparing jerk chicken is much healthier than the way I do it today,because
they used fresher and organic ingredients compared to the frozen and canned domestic ingredients that i use today.

  1. Structure: Can you identify the organization of the paper from the main idea of each paragraph? What are the main concepts explored in the paper? Does each paragraph make a relevant point that is distinct from what has already been covered? What are the main conclusions?
I think it is organized. the first sentences correspond with what the writer wants to say.

  1. Clarity/Style: Did you find distracting grammar, punctuation, spelling, or word usage problems? Identify any patterns or themes you detect. Is the tone of the essay formal? If you find awkward sentences, try to explain why they don’t make sense to you.
Clarity is not the main issue , but there are some grammer problem. there were chicken instead of chickens.

  1. Resources: Does the author clearly identify his/her sources? Is proper in-text and reference format used?
no there is no sources

  1. What is/are the paper’s greatest strength(s)? Explain. the greatest strength is the organization

Thursday, March 24, 2011

As I was watching the movie "Food INC," I notice that most of the big company such as produe is greedy.
these company wants to get alot without paying nothing. I think some of the farmers are as greedy as the big companies and some does not have any choice but to produce the product they sign the contract for. If these farmer have to produce certain amount of chicken why they cant get more spaces for the chicken. One thing suprises me the most when I was watching this video is that corn is use for alot of things. Corn is use to preserve some beverage, it is use to feed the cows. My father is a butcher and sometimes he raises his own animal and the food I see cows eat is grass. The cows will stay in the feild all day just eating grass.I thing the local farmers and big companies should provide clean and healthy envioroment for the animals. this will make the consumers feel safer when eating there product.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

food inc

Most food that are produce in America is made with fast growing product.   For this reason they produce large amount af product in asmaal amount of time.